Saturday, April 9, 2016

Mozambique Leaders Training and Visas

As February approached we began to think and plan for the February Leaders Training in Mozambique.  William, Sharyn and Derrick go to Xicumbane and Mark, Member and Brad go to Mbuzi.  Last year, I went in with them each month but so far this year I am needed at home.  Many reasons led to this: since Kim was preparing to get married she was not able to stay with Luke and the Hixon kids and Debs needed help in her recovery right now.  So this season I am staying home and taking care of Luke, Debs and the Hixon kids while the guys go into Mozambique.  As much as I miss the monthly trainings right now I would not trade this season for anything.  Our house is FULL and BUSY but I LOVE it.

As most of you may know, last June we found out that we are no longer able to get Visas at the Mozambique border.  We now can only get them in Pretoria at the Mozambique Embassy and we must have a letter of invitation from the main church in Maputo. and the most we are able to get a Visa for is 90 days multiple entry (if the letters states that).  This is a process to say the least.  Long story short ... we did not receive a letter in time for Mark and Brad to get a Visa for the February training.  We did receive one in time for the March training but it was only for a single entry over 30 days.  The guys made the trip to Pretoria and returned the next day with the Visa.

Each time we need to get a Visa for Moz. we have to have the letter, travel to Pretoria and turn in the application, pay for the Visa, stay the night somewhere and then go and pick up the Visa the next afternoon.  As you can see this is becoming very costly.  We continue to trust the Lord for Him to make a way to get the correct letters we need and for Him to provided the funds for us to continue to get the Visas needed so we can continue to serve the Lord in Mozambique.

The guys headed into Mozambique on March 4th and went to Matsilele for the weekend.  They were able to take a solar panel, battery and lights that were given by a team last year to help the church in Matsilele.  It was a great weekend with Pastor Robert and his family as well as the church family.

Derrick showing Robert the solar panel

hanging lights in the church

Brad entertaining the kids

first service with lights!
Sunday morning service
Sunday Morning service
 On Tuesday they headed to Mbuzi for the leaders training.   Member, Mark and Brad shared the teaching responsibilities and Masango helped translate.  They are still working their way through the Fundamentals of Faith curriculum.  We are excited to have the complete book translated and printed in the Xitsonga language.  It is exciting to finally have some Biblical curriculum in their own language.

Brad giving Aaron a copy of the book he helped translate

Member explaining about the new book
  Our translating team, Member, Derrick and Aaron, continue to work through translating the New Tribes Material.  This is a long process but one that will benefit the believers in the Limpopo area as they begin to get Biblical material in their own language.

This is a new method of learning for the leaders as they are now having to get used to taking notes, following along in the material and learn how to use it to prepare sermons and teaching material to use in their local churches.  As you can imagine this is a slow process but one that we are all excited to be apart of.  Please continue to pray for these men and women as this is the heart beat of what we do.  These men and women are key in the Gospel continuing to go out into their communities for generations to come.

Masango and Jane's newest son

Member explaining the flip charts

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