Friday, March 8, 2013

We missed our friends in Mentz last night

Yesterday morning we had a good amount of rain in Polokwane for about 3 hours.  We kept in touch with Jankie concerning our Friday afternoon Bible study as we know the rain can cause a problem for people to get to the Bible study.  He said it rained almost the whole day and it looked like it would again. 

Later in the afternoon he in between the rainy periods he managed to walk to his aunt Jereminah's (where we have the Bible study at) to see if we would be about to have it.  Remember we normally meet outside, although last week due to rain, we were able to meet in her lounge.  They decided that because of the rain they wanted to wait until next week. He said that they only knew of four people who could come and the others who walk from far he said would not come in the rain.  Also, Meriam would not be there because her husband's sister passed away earlier this week and she had responsibilities to take care of for the funeral that is today.  Jankie told us that they didn't want to get too far ahead without the others that want to be there so they said it is best to wait until next week. 

We sure did miss meeting with them last night.  It has only been a month but it is something that we look forward to every week! 

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