Sunday, May 3, 2009

Edmund Baptist Church

We were very blessed to be invited by our friend Donald Moon to speak at his church today about our call to full time missions. We felt very welcomed and loved. Mark shared about our call to Africa and little about what we have experienced there. Then we showed a video that Brit put together. (I will post the video here as soon as figure out how) After the video Donald preached a message titled "Go". He was preaching from Matthew 28:18-20. He talked about the importance of God being our Lord and fully surrendering to Him as Lord of our lives. He also talked about the importance of "going" rather to Africa or across the street, it is important to Go and tell others the good news!

We are excited that Edmund Baptist Church is going to support us in our call to Africa. We look forward to partnering with them as we share the Gospel with the people of Africa.

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