Monday, February 2, 2009

What a Weekend

We finished the garage sale on Saturday and by 2:00 we had everything put away. We couldn't believe how much stuff we had. (several people had donated stuff for us to sale - thank you so much) Our garage was lined with 6 tables and a weight bench and our driveway had 9 tables full of stuff as well as several things under the tables. To top it off my whole front yard was full of stuff too. We had everything set up and a little after 7:00 we had our first shopper. From then on there was a constant flow of people. Only 3 times throughout the morning it slowed down and that was for only 5 minutes or so. We sold 90% of the stuff we had. I have never experienced a garage sale like this one. God so blessed us this weekend. Not only through the stuff that was donated and the money raised, but through the people He sent to our sale and the conversations that took place. Our ad did run in the Standard Times for Saturday and the kids school (who was also having a garage sale for a fundraiser) sent people our way all morning.

People were curios about what we were going to do in Africa and time and time again we got to share what God is doing in our lives as well as what He was doing in Africa. Several people wanted one of our brochures.

We met one couple in particular who was so sweet. They wanted to know if we were selling the patio furniture on our front porch. I told them not today but I will at our last garage sale in June right before we leave. He told me he would buy it from us for $40.00 and gave me his card so I could call him. He began to share some of his life story with me. He has lost 2 sons (the last one in May). He told me about the church they were involved in and wanted to know all about the mission work we would be doing. God totally blessed me by meeting this sweet couple. I look forward to seeing them one more time in June when they come by my patio furniture.

Brit's friend stayed with me while Mark had to take the kids to their Basketball games. She was a huge help to me and I am so grateful that she wanted to help. God is so good. We have been blessed so much in so many ways. We more than doubled our money on Saturday! Praise God! Thanks again for your prayers.


Gayle said...

Wow! You had quite a day and many blessings! Praise God! We love you all so much and continue to lift you in prayer.
Isn't it amazing how God handles everything to the very last detail?
His plans and His timing are perfect. Rest in Him and know that He is in total control.
We love you,
Mom and Dad

Joel/ Hollie Dickens said...

Great to read of the garage sale. 90%-wow! That's amazing you sold that much stuff. God blessed you, indeed!