Several years ago I passed out for the first time. Since then there were random times. Places I have passed out ... San Angelo fair, home (more than once), on the airplane as we were waiting to get off the plane, at target, and almost at a football game. I have hit my head a few times before but never anything more than a goose egg. It has been over 3 years, I think, since I have passed out. At one point I went to the doctor and he told me I had Vasovagal Syncope. I am fine it is just something that happens from time to time with certain "triggers" like dehydration, stress, pain, stomach aches and list can go on and on. I feel it come on and some times I can breathe my way through it. Passing out is not the problem. When it happens I am only out a minute or so. The problem is when I pass out I tend to fall and that is where the danger comes in.
Tuesday night we had just finished eating dinner (McDonald's) and we were sitting on the couch relaxing. My stomach started hurting and I didn't feel so great. I headed to the bathroom and immediately felt light headed. I tried to breathe through it and I started asking Jesus to help me through this and not let me pass out. I yelled for the kids and Mark, yelling their names and help (all our walls are brick so sound doesn't travel well). Luke came running and I told him to go get daddy I was about to pass out. He ran out to get him. The next thing I know I am on the ground and Mark is rubbing my arm talking to me, telling me to wake up, calling my name etc. I opened my eyes and knew I had passed out. My head hurt and I just didn't feel good. He then told me I was bleeding. Apparently, I feel forward straight on my forehead and hit the tile. Brit walked in the bathroom in front of Mark and I was laying on my face in a little blood. Mark rolled me over and then I came to. They called a friend here who was able to tell Mark where to take me. She called and told them we were on the way. I hurt so bad, my head, my left cheek bone and my tongue. I was also nauseated. Luke got me a bucket to take in the car, Brit got me a wash cloth to put over my cut and we headed out. Brit sat in the back with me. I was alert but just felt like I needed to keep talking. Didn't matter what just needed to keep speaking. Then I started to throw up. Poor Brit was trying to help me but found herself almost getting sick. So she rolls down the window and holds her head out trying to gain composure. We finally get to the clinic and Mark helps me out of the car. My head is throbbing and I can feel blood dripping down the back right side of my head. The wash cloth that is on my cut is stuck to it and I am holding the side of my head. We walk up to the door and a security guard asks how we are doing tonight. I chuckled and told him that I had been better. We go in and the receptionist has Mark fill out some paper work, I ask to sit down and then I decided I need to go the bathroom. After that the doctor told me to go lay down in the room. He asked what happened and then he started to look at my head. He said that I was not cut on the back it was just the blood from the cut on my forehead. I laid back and he started to clean me and give me the local injection to numb me. He poked me 7 or 8 times and then started to stitch me up. Meanwhile the kids and Mark are in the room with me. We are talking to the doctor etc. Luke left the room and came back telling his daddy he didn't feel well. The doctor told him to sit down. All of a sudden he threw up right there on the floor by Mark. (Today Luke told me he was watching the doctor and when he got the the third stitch he didn't feel good so he walked out to the waiting room. He said he sat down and felt dizzy so he put his hands on his head and then went to tell Mark.) Meanwhile, Brit just saw her brother throw up and she was trapped in the room. She got out of the only chair in there and then walked to the other side so she could just focus on me. The way she kept herself from throwing up was laughing. Poor Mark, got Luke to sit down and then he went to get a mop and start cleaning up. Then doctor finished my cut. He said it is a little over two inches and it was not a clean cut. I had also torn a blood vessel so he had to stitch that as well. We headed home. So that is the story. I am fine just part of my life sometimes. I am so thankful that Mark was here and not in Mozambique at the time and that we were able to get the help needed. I am also so thankful that my injuries are not worse than they are!
On top of all this Mark had two tests to take in Seminary on Wednesday. Amazing how the enemy will use anything to distract. Praise the Lord he did the best ever on his tests.
After calling both our mom's yesterday we posted on facebook. Here was Mark's status (it made for some fun comments and a few good laughs) ...
Mark Raley ... wife Passes out...gash on to country so had to call friend to find where to go... blood soaked hair... trip to doctor's office... kiddo gets sick when mom gets injection... dad cleans puke while wife gets stitches...daughter just laughs during the process as a way to deal with stress...WOW What a Night!!!
There were several comments with questions ... Here are a some of the questions and a few of the answers ...
Q. Why did you pass out
A. See above
Q. Are you ok?
A. I am sore but I will be fine
Q. Do they know how to do good stitches over there?
A. They did fine
Q. Did they give you anesthesia?
A. Yes they gave me a local
Q. Did you have to bite on a piece of leather while they stitched it?
A. No
Q. Did they have to shave any of your hair off to do it?
A. No, they didn't
Q. Who found you on the floor?
A. They were all on their way but Brit saw me first
Q. Who drove you to the hospital or vet clinic--whichever they have over there!!
A. Mark and it was a human clinic!
Q. Did I see Dr. Mark?
A. No, it was one of his partners
Q. Are you eating?
A. Yes, not as much/slight nausea off an on today but did eat 3 meals.
Q. That must have been scary for the family
A. Yes, not much fun for them to see me like that
Thank you for your prayers. Here are a few pictures for you.